Sunday, January 24, 2010

She's so cute!

My sweet little sister is expecting her first child in the middle of February. Chrissy and her husband Jacob came up to visit this weekend, and I was lucky enough to get to take some photos of them. Here are a few that I have finished. I can't wait until this little baby gets here so I can love on him or her. Is she not the cutest pregnant lady you have ever seen?

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  1. I always thought pregnant ladies were cute. I mean they still are, but I also know that when I am pregnant I feel...less than cute!

    She looks so much like you!

  2. Way to go on the photos. I like the one where she is looking out the window. So, so cute! I know she's going to love those pics.
    Love ya!

  3. Beautiful pictures, Jenn!! Your sister looks like you!

  4. Ok, at first I thought Chrissy was you because
    I glanced at the picture before reading the post. She is a gorgeous pregnant woman! I love your photography!

  5. Chrissy here. I know I am the cutest pregnant lady ever. My baby will be the cutest baby ever. Too bad my husband isn't the cutest guy ever. Oh well, can't win them all.
