Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We love Halloween at our house. Every year, the kids look forward to choosing the perfect Halloween costumes. Felicity has always especially loved this part since prior to this year the boys were so little they just went along with whatever she suggested. Much to her dismay, this year they went in a totally different direction than she campaigned for.

We began our search in the beginning of September. I was crazy busy with school, and knew that I would need a few extra weeks to work on costumes. Sadly, the children didn't see the wisdom in that plan and wouldn't be rushed into a decision they weren't sure was perfect. Hence, the week before Halloween, I was still trying to fit in time to put together costumes! I am horrified that after I spent so much time making these costumes, I forgot to take any real pictures. I am so sad that the only photos I have are the ones I snapped with my phone...

Kermit was the first to make his decision, and oh my, was it a good one! He wanted to be a box of french fries! It took me a few days to figure out how exactly I would construct such a costume, but once I worked out a plan, it actually came together quite easily.

Froggie, with the help of Kermit decided to go as a bottle of ketchup! I just love how this one turned out!

Here they are together! Best friends and the perfect duo!

Felicity had so many good ideas, it was tough for her to narrow it down. In the end, she decided that she would go as a hot air balloon! Here is what I came up with...

Of course, this was just a dress rehearsal to make sure it was the correct length, and on Halloween Felicity added her own touch with an aviator jacket, a bright pink and red scarf, and a pair of my racquetball safety glasses! This balloon was the prized toy in our house for about three weeks after Halloween, and the kids were beyond sad when it deflated. All three have been on the lookout for what they want to be next year....