Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wrestle Mania!!

It was a quiet night. I was in the middle of getting froggie into his pajamas when Kermit made his grand entrance into the living room. Anytime we see this pose we know what's about to happen....

There was no stopping it. Froggie was ready...

The first take down of the night went to Kermit.

Uh oh, the tides are turning.

Could it be an upset? Will the little guy win?

It's anyone's match...

It was a hard fought match, but in the end Kermit's strength was too much for Froggie.

Kermit's Victory Dance!

After all that hard work, Kermit needed a little rest.

Rest time didn't last long...

And the craziness started all over again.


  1. Boys will be boys, won't they?

  2. Oh how sweet those two little guys are. You are doing a great job with them Jen. We are proud of you and thanks for sharing their lives with us. We love to keep updated with your family. XOXOXO

  3. You have the cutest kids ever. What a blessing that they all play so well together.
